NAICS: 541519 - Other Computer Related Services |
Competition: NO |
Small Business Set-Aside: N/A
Small Business Program: TBD |
Contract Vehicle: GSA Schedule |
Contract Type: Firm Fixed Price |
Contract Status: Recompetition
Contract Number: 70RTAC23FR0000020 |
Anticipated Award Quarter: Q1 FY2025 |
Estimated Solicitation Release: 2024-12-20 |
Contract Complete: 2025-07-31 |
Requirements Title: Cybersecurity Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation |
Description: The requirement is intended to maintain in DHS OCIO, a DHS Enterprise Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM) Program Office to provide governance, compliance, policy and validation of DHS CDM Program activities and decisions within the Department.
The DHS CDM Program focuses on continued timely and high-quality delivery of the cybersecurity solutions to the Components within a dynamic IT environment, where maintaining the current solution is not merely continuing a steady state; it requires flexibility, agility, and responsiveness to the evolving cyber threats facing DHS devices and networks. The Program supports the DHS Agency Priority Goals (APG), Strategy 1: Increase Enterprise Risk Posture Awareness and effectively protect DHS’s network infrastructure by identifying cybersecurity risks for the Department through implementing DHS CDM capabilities for all DHS Components and leveraging best-in-breed technologies for Endpoint Protection, Identify Management, Incident Response Handling, Mobility, Data Protection, Encryption, Data Loss Prevention, and Cloud Security solutions.
The DHS CDM Program is leveraging to the maximum extent possible, modern practices, and commercial off-the-self (COTS) technology to iteratively develop and deploy an integrated DHS CDM solution. |
Estimated Dollar Range:
$1,000,000.00 to $2,000,000.00
Place of Performance: Washington, DC
POC Name: Roger Kessler |
Alternate POC Name: Adrienne Smith |
POC Phone: (202) 922-4440 |
Alternate POC Phone: (202) 938-2646 |
POC Email: [email protected] |
Alternate POC Email: [email protected] |