NAICS: 561210 - Facilities Support Services |
Competition: NO |
Small Business Set-Aside: N/A
Small Business Program: None |
Contract Vehicle: Definitive Contract |
Contract Type: Combination |
Contract Status: Recompetition
Battelle Memorial Institute
Contract Number: HSHQDC-15-C-00064 |
Anticipated Award Quarter: Q2 FY2025 |
Estimated Solicitation Release: 2025-02-18 |
Contract Complete: 2035-03-18 |
Requirements Title: National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center (NBACC) Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC) |
Description: The Contractor shall be responsible for providing all required personnel, services, equipment (except mobile devices such as mobile phones, and tablets, which will be provided by DHS/S&T), and materials (except that as may be furnished later herein) to manage the NBACC located at Fort Detrick, Maryland. The Contractor shall also be responsible for planning and executing work performance including research and analysis as DHS/S&T (herein referred to as the Sponsor) may specify in accordance with core contract requirements, terms, and conditions. The Contractor shall provide a wide range of research, studies, analyses, analytic and computational models, simulations, and other technical and analytical support useful for policy and program planning, and management by Sponsors.
This action is a sole source based on the completion of a Comprehensive Review of the contractor's performance in operating this FFRDC on behalf of the Department in accordance with FAR 35.017 and DHS Management Directive 143. |
Estimated Dollar Range:
Over $100,000,000.00
Place of Performance: Ft. Detrick, MD
POC Name: Lewis Brown |
Alternate POC Name: |
POC Phone: (301) 619-1413 |
Alternate POC Phone: |
POC Email: [email protected] |
Alternate POC Email: |