NAICS: 541611 - Administrative Management and General Management Consulting Services |
Competition: NO |
Small Business Set-Aside: N/A
Small Business Program: TBD |
Contract Vehicle: Definitive Contract |
Contract Type: Firm Fixed Price |
Contract Status: Recompetition
Forge Group, LLC
Contract Number: 70T05020C9NAP6613 |
Anticipated Award Quarter: Q3 FY2025 |
Estimated Solicitation Release: 2025-03-01 |
Contract Complete: 2030-07-06 |
Requirements Title: STIP Analysis and Reporting (STAR) Tool Technical Support |
Description: The Contractor shall be responsible for the following general tasks as part of this contract:
• Assist TSA with achieving the future-state goals in SQL database
• Keep existing Oracle reports operational throughout all phases of upcoming PowerBI to SQL database transitions
• Assist TSA during the planning stages of the PowerBI and SQL server transitions
• Design and deploy upgraded STAR Tool design and associated reports
• Execute all monthly maintenance activities related to the STAR tool
• Support planning efforts to support new Electronic Baggage Screening Program (EBSP)
Contractor responsibilities encompassed by this contract: Data Verification, Report Development, Report Execution, User Support, and Data Studies. |
Estimated Dollar Range:
$2,000,000.00 to $5,000,000.00
Place of Performance: Springfield, VA
POC Name: Jasmine Woods |
Alternate POC Name: Alex Fraguada |
POC Phone: (571) 227-3643 |
Alternate POC Phone: (972) 462-2918 |
POC Email: [email protected] |
Alternate POC Email: [email protected] |