NAICS: 513210 - Software Publishers |
Competition: YES |
Small Business Set-Aside: N/A
Small Business Program: None |
Contract Vehicle: Definitive Contract |
Contract Type: Firm Fixed Price |
Contract Status:
New Requirement
Anticipated Award Quarter: Q3 FY2025 |
Estimated Solicitation Release: 2025-02-01 |
Contract Complete: 2035-05-31 |
Requirements Title: Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) Acquisition |
Description: The following acquisition is being pursued to acquire a new commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) LIMS for the management of laboratory information and resources.
Acquisition Strategy: OA intends to compete this as full & open. |
Estimated Dollar Range:
$20,000,000.00 to $50,000,000.00
Place of Performance: Washington, DC
POC Name: John Hihn |
Alternate POC Name: Jared Tritle |
POC Phone: (202) 344-1534 |
Alternate POC Phone: (317) 381-5447 |
POC Email: [email protected] |
Alternate POC Email: [email protected] |