Description: The purpose of this contract is to obtain comprehensive doctrine support services for FEMA's ORR. Support shall be provided to ORR personnel at FEMA headquarters, regional, and field offices. The scope includes, but is not limited to, research and analysis, facilitation, document development and revision, graphics creation, and technical writing and editing, communications and outreach.
Doctrine support often includes bundles of individual tasks and activities. There are a wide range of potential types of requirements and corresponding tasks for this contract.
The Contractor shall support the development, evaluation, and revision of doctrine across the FEMA ORR enterprise and categorize doctrine deliverables and related tasks in accordance with the table below:
Describes a mission that applies to multiple groups doing the same activities independently – bringing them under the same tenants, principles, and concepts.
Describes how to perform a mission covered by a keystone. Describes how to execute the tenants, principles, and concepts discussed in the keystones.
A narrowly focused manual that provides more “how to” information. Requires a manual above it; however, not every manual requires a guide.
Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
Identifies specific actions and methods for performing single functions. Includes things like lists, timelines, and tasks. Provides “how to” directions. Can be developed independently of other documents.
A portable reference guide of a compilation of procedures.
Requires a manual above it.
Update, Full
Revision involves significant changes to 50%-100% of the document resulting from:
• Significant change in doctrine, regulation, or policy.
• New doctrine, regulation, or policy.
• Internal changes that have significant impacts to incident management and support personnel
Update, Administrative & Discrete
Revision involves changes to 10%-50% of the document resulting from:
• Error or omission in existing doctrine.
• Change in technology, practice, or method.
• Two-year cycle completed for doctrinal half-life
Analytical Report
Research and analysis or other reports based on emerging concepts that help to focus priorities and scope future doctrine products.
Each product will be developed with the understanding that it must explain the concepts clearly and concisely in order to facilitate decision-making and frame next steps.
Facilitated Focus Group One Day
• In person, virtual or hybrid event could include one to three sessions over one to three consecutive hours or days;
• A facilitation plan, briefing deck, or handouts designed specifically for the event could be required
• Senior-level facilitators and note-takers could be needed to support concurrent break-out sessions throughout event
Facilitated Focus Group Multi-Day
Potentially require one or more facilitators to lead simultaneous breakout sessions where 10-30 stakeholders come together to examine challenges, gather information and recommendations from key stakeholders, identify gaps and key issues, generate creative solutions, and shape recommendations and courses of action.
Short timeline from initial tasking through event execution:
• In person, virtual or hybrid event could include one to three sessions over one to three consecutive hours or days;
• A facilitation plan, briefing deck, or handouts designed specifically for the event could be required
• Senior-level facilitators and note-takers could be needed to support concurrent break-out sessions throughout event |