NAICS: 541519 - Other Computer Related Services |
Competition: YES |
Small Business Set-Aside: N/A
Small Business Program: SB |
Contract Vehicle: NITAAC CIO-SP3 |
Contract Type: Combination |
Contract Status: Recompetition
Alpha Omega Integration LLC
Contract Number: 70CTD020FR0000280 |
Anticipated Award Quarter: Q4 FY2025 |
Estimated Solicitation Release: 2025-05-31 |
Contract Complete: 2030-09-28 |
Requirements Title: Information Technology Program Management Support (ITPMS) |
Description: The scope of this requirement includes employing proven program management techniques to support, maintain, and manage HSI systems and program in support of HSI’s mission. The contractor shall provide cost, schedule, risk and planning services for each of the following using an Agile-driven approach: Program Management, Schedule Management, Financial Management, Acquisition Management, Administrative Support, IT Strategic Planning, Integrated Governance, HSI Portfolio Management. On-going assessment of HSI systems to fully understand the data and data transactions is needed to establish strong Data Warehousing and IT Portfolio Management strategies. Impactful analysis requires a multi-dimensional view into the data. When properly integrated, these differing perspectives provide the Government with traceable and defensible information to make informed decisions around operationalization, business performance metrics, costs, capabilities, requirements assets, and organization. |
Estimated Dollar Range:
$20,000,000.00 to $50,000,000.00
Place of Performance: Washington, D.C., DC
POC Name: Jina Jackson |
Alternate POC Name: Tonya Fells |
POC Phone: (202) 860-4316 |
Alternate POC Phone: (202) 779-2404 |
POC Email: [email protected] |
Alternate POC Email: [email protected] |