NAICS: 236210 - Industrial Building Construction |
Competition: YES |
Small Business Set-Aside: N/A
Small Business Program: SDVOSB |
Contract Vehicle: Design/Build Construction Services II (Regional) (RMACC II) |
Contract Type: Firm Fixed Price |
Contract Status:
New Requirement
Anticipated Award Quarter: Q2 FY2025 |
Estimated Solicitation Release: 2024-10-04 |
Contract Complete: 2025-06-30 |
Requirements Title: PSN 15896914 Dredge Fishing Creek Channel at STA Annapolis, MD |
Description: PSN 15896914 Dredge Fishing Creek Channel at STA Annapolis, MD
PSN 15896914 Dredge Fishing Creek Channel at STA Annapolis, MD 1.1. Base Work Items: 1.1.1. This project is the maintenance dredging of the boat basin and navigational channel at the Coast Guard (CG) Station Annapolis in Annapolis, Maryland. 1.1.2. Base Dredging: Dredge the boat basin and navigational channel by mechanical means to the boundary limits shown on the drawings to a minimum of -8 feet Mean Low Water (MLW), National Tidal Datum Epoch of 1923-2001. The estimated amount of base material to be removed within the specified limits to a depth of -8 feet MLW, including side slopes, is 1,215 cubic yards. Coordinate the movement of CG vessels in boat basin and navigational channel with station personnel. During dredging activities, the area must be encompassed by a turbidity curtain. Provide a unit cost per cubic yard of dredge material removed, transported, and disposed of from the basin and channel to achieve the specified limit in Item 1. 1.1.3. Over Dredging: Dredge the boat basin and navigational channel of CG Station Annapolis to a maximum depth of -9 feet MLW. The estimated amount of over-depth dredging from within the specified limits is 3,449 cubic yards. Provide a unit cost per cubic yard of dredge material removed, transported, and disposed of from the basin and channel to achieve the specified limit in Item 1. |
Estimated Dollar Range:
$500,000.00 to $1,000,000.00
Place of Performance: Annapolis, MD
POC Name: Chad Messer |
Alternate POC Name: |
POC Phone: (571) 608-5067 |
Alternate POC Phone: |
POC Email: [email protected] |
Alternate POC Email: |