NAICS: 561210 - Facilities Support Services |
Competition: YES |
Small Business Set-Aside: N/A
Small Business Program: None |
Contract Vehicle: Indefinite Delivery Contract |
Contract Type: Unknown/To Be Determined |
Contract Status: Recompetition
BI, Inc.
Contract Number: 70CDCR20D00000011 |
Anticipated Award Quarter: Q4 FY2025 |
Estimated Solicitation Release: 2025-05-01 |
Contract Complete: 2030-07-31 |
Requirements Title: The Intensive Supervision Appearance Program (ISAP) V |
Description: The contractor shall provide community-based supervision through home visits, in-person reporting through office visits, GPS monitoring using a contractor provided global positioning tracker worn by the participant (ankle and wrist worn options), biometric technology (with biometric mobile devices), which will allow the contractor to track a participant through a unique biometric identifier, and Extended Case Management Services (ECMS) which is a service component of the ISAP that uses enhanced case management and services to assist in stabilizing participants who may have significant challenges to ensure that they can comply with release conditions and orders issued by the Executive Office of Immigration Review (EOIR). The contractor shall provide these services at various locations across the nation.
The contractor shall provide contractor stand-alone offices (C-site), one or two contractors working at a government office (G- site), staging site generally located (but not limited to) various locations along the United States borders which consist of at least one contractor performing limited enrollments (S-site) and sites without a physical contractor or government offices (T- site). Maintenance supervision (M-site) is a cost-effective long-term supervision option. A single location may have multiple sites operating simultaneously. The contractor shall provide Contractor-Owned Vehicles (COV) for C-site and G-sites.
The contractor shall perform program enrollment/orientation, residence verification, court tracking, alert management device assignment and other tasks shall be required. Outside business hours, extenuating circumstances can arise where, in this situation, on-call contractor personnel will need to be available. Monitoring and alert/violation resolution is expected 24/7/365.
The contractor shall develop and implement an individualized service plan (ISP) for participants scheduled for home and/or office visits.
The Contractor shall provide any data request, reporting, or inquiry/investigation conducted by the Government related to this contract. |
Estimated Dollar Range:
Over $100,000,000.00
Place of Performance: Multiple, NA
POC Name: Nicholas Zdanuk |
Alternate POC Name: |
POC Phone: (771) 215-7198 |
Alternate POC Phone: |
POC Email: [email protected] |
Alternate POC Email: |